Sunday, January 10, 2010

How do you post a comment?

Can anyone who has successfully posted a comment explain how to do it? I have had several people have difficulties in posting. Since I am the author, I don't have any problem posting, so I'm not sure how to explain it. Thanks for your help!

1 comment:

  1. 1) Left click on the '# comments' field in the lower right corner of the blog entry
    2) That will bring up a white typing space entitled 'Post a Comment' where you can enter your message
    3) For the 'Comment as:' field, select from the pulldown menu the profile that you use for posting - mine is my Google Account. If you don't have one it is very easy to set up and you can use your hotmail or other address for the Google Account.
    4) Left click on 'Post Comment' field and it will display a 'word verification' challenge; enter those characters in the appropriate box and left click on 'Post Comment'
    5) You should see your entry in Jen's Blog at that point
