Friday, January 15, 2010

We are Home!

Thankfully - we have been sent home! Still tired and a little bit light headed, but so glad to be in my own house. I could really use a good hair washing, but will have to have help from Jeff, since I can't see what I'm doing. You would be amazed at the scar and how hidden it is in my hair. A lot of the swelling near my eye has gone away, I just have swelling around my temple, which the doc said will slowly begin to go down. I have a good 10 - 14 days to have my stitches in and then I will have a post-op appointment to get those taken out. What an incredible surreal experience, it's hard to believe what has happened in a week and a half. I feel like I have so much to process over what God has just done - hopefully in the next weeks I will be able to express some of what I've been learning - it feels like you all have expressed so much of it already in your comments and encouragements, that I don't know what else to say - hopefully more will come as I come out of the shock of it all. Pray for normalcy to return and for God to be glorified through this trial - He is good, all the time and He holds us in His hands.

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