This is Jennifer updating now...
Its been sort of an up and down day. I did get good sleep last night and had a good breakfast -I'm so thankful I haven't had any naseua ro this point. After breakfast they took me to get another MRI to see how things are looking now. The doctor was a little concerned about what could have been a blood clot, so I had to get back out of bed and go get another MRI. I have been very dizzy even just in bed, so it's been hard when I have to get up. I nearly fainted and my blood pressure dropped pretty low. The second MRI confirmed, however, that there was NOT a blood clot - praise God! The dizzyness continues, but the doctor said it is all to be expeceted and will get better. It's just hard to feel out of control - it's just going to take some more time. My right eye has swollen up quite a bit, as well as my right temple, due to the fact that they had to pull away some of the muscle in my temple from the bone to get to the spot, but that should go away in time as well. The nurse just took off the bandage and we all ooh'd and ahh'd over what an incredible thing brain surgery is. I have a long (6 inches) incision, but it's all hidden in a part of hair (which is matted now and not very pretty), but I do have all my hair! I'm feeling better in terms of pain and if I can just manage my expectations about recovery I think it will all be fine. Possibly tomorrow I will be moved out of ICU to a regular room. Jeff seems to be doing better when the doctor gives us reassurances - then he is encouraging to me and helpes me to keep from stressing out. I think I've lost my light heartedness about it, but I'm not everwhelmingly discouraged this afternoon. I am so thankful for all of the emails and encouraging words - earlier today I had Jeff read tham all to me again when I was feeling scard and discouraged - so what you all have offered has been VERY imortant to me. I think my prayer requests going forward are for the lab results - I don't have a specific time frame on those yet. Also for reduced light-headednes/dizzyness so I can get up and around tomorrow when I have to. My eye continues to swell and the Dr says it may get worse before it gets better - so you can pray for that as well. Hope the picture I attached isn't too scary The bandages are off now, but I will spare you that detail. Thank you a million times over for your prayers!
Jen - what an amazing testimony you have as a believer in Christ! When we rely on the Lord for all things, He gives us the strength to face any and all things. We always know that where ever two or more are gathered in His name, there shall He be...I'm still awed at how quickly people "gather" when someone needs prayer. How can one not help but have the strength to face the challenges before us? This also reminds me of Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
ReplyDeleteYou and your family are still in my prayers, and along with prayer, I thank the Lord the surgery went well, that you have strength to write about you're going through, and that you have such a supporting husband, family and friends.
Jen, you are looking great for just having had brain surgery! Keep your chin up, and rest in the knowledge that you have a small army of people lifting you (and jeff and the boys) up in prayer. I'll pray right now specifically for the disorientation you are feeling. Jeff, you're doing a great job, too, taking care of her! Get some rest! :)
ReplyDeleteGood morning - hope today is even a better day and that your disorientation & dizziness subsides & you can get up & move around more. We continue to pray & send good thoughts your way xoxo lynne, jack & megan
ReplyDeleteYou look great! We'll continue to pray for your recovery and good test results and strength for you and your husband and boys. If you are at all like me when I had my emergency open heart surgery(sounds like it from what I read, since I don't know you personally), that it's hard but good for our character development and trust in God to not be "in control" physically, etc. because we're so used to it being a homeschool Mom of many. God taught/is teaching me that I need to let Him have control, and it's OK if I'm uncomfortable with that plan, as long as I allow him to be. I don't know if I'm making sense or not. Hopefully... ;-)
ReplyDeletePraying for you from Alabama,
Trisha Pace
ReplyDeleteOur kids are praying along with us every night before bed time. I was surprised to see a picture of you already. You look great! Really!
These words came to me today to encourage you from Psalm 63, verses 1 - 8.
"O, God, you are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land
where there is not water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary
and beheld your power and your glory.
Becasue your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.
Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.
Jennifer, you have people across the nation praying for you, Jeff, and the boys. Friends of mine who don't even know you have offered to help when you get home. God is good all the time. Keep your eyes and heart focused on Jesus. He has you in His arms. "The good shepherd cares for his sheep. " John 10:14
Hugs, Kristine Schneider and family